
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Favourite Reads 2019!

I have read 116 books this year (including re-reads of some old favourites), which has truly amazed me!

I never thought that my blogging venture would be as successful as it has and I am truly grateful to all the wonderful publishers, publicity treasures and blog tour organisers that have supported me along the way. I have also met some lovely bookish people and fellow bloggers, which has been really heartwarming.

It has been tricky to whittle down all the books I have read to just a few favourites, but these are some of the ones that have really made a mark on me this year, for a whole raft of different reasons - quite an electic choice I am sure you will agree, but then I have always been an eclectic reader!

If you are at all interested in why I have chosen these ten books, please take a look at the reviews I have written for them on this blog- links below!

Have a cracking New Year, filled with bookish joy!

The Flat Share by Beth O'Leary
Hudson's Kill by Paddy Hirsch
Nightingale Point by Luan Goldie
Unfollow by Megan Phelps-Roper
The Seven or Eight Deaths of Stella Fortuna by Juliet Grames
The Holiday by T.M. Logan
Till Morning Is Nigh by Rob Parker (review coming soon!)
Blue Gold by David Barker
The Man Who Didn't Call by Rosie Walsh
Don't Think A Single Thought by Diana Cambridge