
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Let's Hear It For: Louise Walters Books

Since I started book blogging about eighteen months ago, I have learned so much about the publishing industry that I was not aware of before, even though I have always been a big reader and worked as a librarian for many years.

One of the most revelatory things for me has been finding out about the wealth of publishers and imprints, both big and small, that actually exist - including the number of independent publishing houses.

I sometimes feel like I have now been inducted into some sort of secret society that the world at large has no idea about, and it has been a wonderful experience to find out about all the different offerings that publishers bring to the table - especially the little guys.

Times have been very tough for publishers this year, and even the big players have found it difficult to operate in the strange world we now inhabit, but it is the little publishing houses that have suffered the most, as they simply do not have the resources to keep going without help when pickings are slim.

More than a few of the small publishers have had to appeal for our support over the last few months to stay in business, through calls to buy books direct, and even contribute towards funds to help them pay the bills, but the wolf is still lurking just outside their doors.

Of course, we can all try to be a little more conscious about where we buy our books... I am not saying you can't buy from the massive online retailers like Amazon (goodness knows, us bloggers do love a Kindle bargain), but there are other ways to fund your book habit if you are able. Even if you only occasionally buy from another source, and there are some fabulous independent retailers out there, every little helps.

But it is not my intention to talk about independent bookshops and retailers here in a broad sense - instead I want to talk exclusively about the little indie publishers themselves, inspired by a recent heart-felt blog post from Louise Walters about the ups and downs of setting up and running her small publishing house, Louise Walters Books. If you missed this then I urge you to have a read, as it is very enlightening - you can find it HERE.

Have you ever gone direct to the site of a small indie publisher and bought their books this way, or do you always use a third party retailer? Many of them offer the facility to buy direct, and you can browse the amazing selection of books available from the little guys at the same time this way.

So, to the point! I have decided to write a few blog posts entitled "Let's Hear It For..." to spotlight some of the amazing little guys of the publishing world who have brought me such a lot of reading pleasure since I began blogging about books, and to share some of my reviews about the gems they offer.

It seems appropriate to start with my muse, Louise Walters, who is nearing the third anniversary of her tiny publishing house, so read on. booklover, read on....

Louise Walters Books

In Louise's own words...
"I'm a reader, writer, editor and publisher. My imprint Louise Walters Books is tiny, indie, and receptive to books bigger publishers may not be able to consider. I aim to publish only the very best in adult literary and literary/commercial fiction, across all genres."
Louise is an author herself and offers a critiquing service to writers. In 2017, inspired by the notion that her fiftieth birthday was approaching and if she did not do it then she never would, Louise set up her own publishing house, Louse Walters Books (LWB).

LWB, operates as a 'one woman band', has seven fabulous authors on the books and publishes up to four titles a year in a range of genres - in hardback, paperback, ebook and audio formats.

You can see the amazing range of books available from LWB, and purchase them direct, HERE.

Louise also offers a brilliant subscription service for those who wish to support her by more than just buying her books, which you can read more about HERE.. I am honoured to be one of her supporters myself.

I have had the pleasure of reading three of the LWB authors so far, who all write very different kinds of books - Diana Cambridge, Laura Laakso and Dominic Brownlow - and have shared the links to my reviews below so you can find out why I loved them all so much and hopefully be inspired to read them too.

Don't Think A Single Thought 
by Diana Cambridge

Fallible Justice: Wilde Investigations Book One
by Laura Laakso

The Naseby Horses
by Dominic Brownlow

On my to be read/listened shelf I also have the fabulous audio book of The Naseby Horses; books two and three in the Wilde Investigations series, Echo Murder and Roots of Corruption, by Laura Laakso; In The Sweep Of The Bay by Cath Barton, which is due for an autumn release; The Last Words Of Madeleine Anderson by Helen Kitson; and Louise Walter's own books, Mrs Sinclair's Suitcase, The Road To California and A Life Between Us and a few others too - so keep an eye out for the forthcoming reviews!

I hope my musings will encourage you to take a look as the LWB website, make a few purchases (her ebooks are only £2.50 each, which is the same price as on Amazon) and fall in love with the books as I have!

Watch out for more spotlights on some more of my favourite indie publishers in the next few weeks, as part of the "Let's Hear It For..." series.

LWB logo reproduced courtesy of

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