
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Second Chance Summer by Phillipa Ashley


Second Chance Summer by Phillipa Ashley.

Published 6th June 2024 by Penguin.

From the cover of the book:

From the moment Lily Harper arrives at a remote retreat on the breath-taking Scilly Isles, she is itching to get back to civilisation - and her thriving business.

Slowing down simply isn't in her vocabulary, and so she quickly clashes with the gorgeous but dour Sam who runs the retreat.

Just as Lily is about to give up and leave, disaster strikes, and she is involved in an incident that changes her perspective on everything.

Lily is no longer sure she wants to return to the life she thought she loved. But will she have the courage to give the retreat, and Sam, a second chance?


Lily's craft business, Lily Loves, is thriving, but with success has come its share of anxiety inducing bad press that she is finding it hard to deal with. Since the death of her sister, Lily has thrown herself into her work at the expense of every other aspect of her life. She simply does not know how to stop, but the time has come for her to take a break before she falls apart. Her faithful PA Richie arranges for her to take a couple of well-deserved weeks off at a brand new retreat in the Isles of Scilly, but when she gets there the 'exclusive' resort she was expecting actually turns out to be a tiny, unfinished complex on the remote island of Stark.

Miserable and struggling with being away from her business, Lily gets off on the wrong foot with the handsome, but distant, Sam who runs the retreat. She is determined to leave as soon as she can, but her departure is delayed by an accident that unexpectedly brings her closer to Sam, and gives her a glimpse of the man that lies beneath the dour exterior. With new perspective on her life and surroundings, Lily begins to wonder if she really wants to return to the high pressure life she thought she loved. Can Sam, and Stark, bring the opportunity for a second chance?

Phillipa Ashley once more hits her stride in a lovely escapist adventure to the beautiful Isles of Scilly, which is all about love, loss, and second chances. Overworked, and emotionally unavailable Lily has not 'lived' her life for years, but when she is forced against her will to spend time away from her high pressure existence, the possibility of a different kind of future presents itself. Rescued from a sticky situation by the heroic actions of strong, silent Sam, Lily sees that he is actually a man with hidden depths, and the spark of romance begins to burn.

Of course things are never that simple... both Lily and Sam have a lot of preoccupying issues to work through on the way to the happy ending you are hoping for. Ashley does a wonderful job of racking up beautifully contrived romantic suspense, weaving the threads of several storylines around the couple about family, friendship, and running a business that have real heart and soul - and show the picturesque delights, history and tight knit communities of the Scilly Isles off to perfection. There are some enchanting characters to cherish, who evoke laughter and tears before the gorgeous ending rolls around, and I really enjoyed how the theme of art and handmade crafts runs through the whole story.

This book hits the sun, secrets, scenery, and sentimental spot I yearn for in a summer read - and it will have you longing to discover the delights of the Scilly Isles too. 

About the author:

Phillipa Ashley is a Sunday Times, Amazon and Audible best-selling author of uplifting romantic fiction.

After studying English at Oxford University, she worked as a copywriter and journalist before turning her hand to writing. Since then, her novels have sold well over a million copies and have been translated into numerous languages.

Phillipa lives in an English village with her husband, has a grown-up daughter and loves nothing better than walking the Lake District hills and swimming in Cornish coves.

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