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Friday, March 8, 2019

100 Book Bucket List

I wonder how many people got one of these 100 Book Bucket List scratch off posters for Christmas, last year.

I have actually read 57 of these books in my life, but receiving this as a present has spurred my on to re-read a fair number of these.

So, I have scratched off the ones I know I will definitely not re-read, because I have read/re-read them recently or they are definitely children's books (17 books), or because I did not like them the first time around (4).

That leaves me with 79 books to either read for the first time, or to read again - 43 newbies and 36 re-reads. This is a lot of reading, so it will take me a while. It will be interesting to see how long this takes me!

I thought it might me interesting to share the with you the 4 books I really did not enjoy from this "bucket list":

1. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov - I could not get past the fact that this is about a dirty old man, who kidnaps a child.

2. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson - Just a load of drugged up people shouting all the time.

3. American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis - The most disturbing and violent book I have ever read (and I am not squeamish).

4. Moby Dick by Herman Melville - This books is way too long and the best line is right at the beginning.

These books were not for me, but please feel free to disagree.

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